
Raminder Aujla

Director of Safeguarding, White Rose Trust
Raminder has worked with children and families within both the education and youth justice sector for over 20 years. Prior to her current role, as the Director of Safeguarding for a multi-academy trust, Raminder was the safeguarding lead officer for a large local authority, judged as outstanding by Ofsted, with responsibility for supporting over 300 schools with strategic safeguarding policy, procedures, training and advice. Raminder is an accredited specialist safeguarding trainer and has co-authored the guidance on Sexual Behaviours in Educational Settings, in her capacity as an AIM Project associate. Raminder is passionate about safeguarding children and she has held the position of chair, vice chair and of safeguarding lead governor of a local primary school. She is a member of CAPE (Child Protection in Education) and on the CAPE conference planning committee, responsible for planning both national and member conferences. She is also a member of the National Safer Recruitment Consortium task group, who are responsible for the Safer Recruitment Training and Guidance for Safer working Practice for staff working in educational settings. Raminder is an experienced safeguarding speaker on safeguarding issues that impact education staff and has spoken at both national and regional conferences.

1 Workshop series one

Protecting your safeguarding staff: A trust-led approach to maintaining health, safety and well-being

Safeguarding can be a hugely rewarding area of practice. Protecting children and young people in risky and complex situations can also be tough, especially when things go wrong. This workshop will explore the trust's duty of care to protect its safeguarding workforce physically, emotionally, mentally and professionally. Raminder and Becci will share her extensive experience of creating protective structures for the safeguarding professionals in their trusts, and strategies to identify and respond to staff in crisis.