Browse the main conference and workshop programme for our CST Safeguarding Conference 2025.
Programme details are subject to change.
Chief Executive, CST
National Director of Safeguarding and Well-being, Oasis Community Learning
In this first session of a two-part exercise, delegates will be invited to work together to consider how to respond to a safeguarding scenario.
Partner and Safeguarding Expert, Browne Jacobson
Jon Le Fevre will join us for a keynote session on the role of education in safeguarding.
National Safeguarding Partner Facilitator (Education Lead), Department for Education
In this session, we will hear a (former) pupil perspective, as Elliot McKenzie shares his experience of a managed move in conversation with Jon Needham.
Youth mentor for a local authority safeguarding service
National Director of Safeguarding and Well-being, Oasis Community Learning
Choose from a selection of impactful workshops delivered by trust leaders and sector experts, focusing on critical safeguarding issues. Topics include supporting the well-being of safeguarding staff, addressing extremism and being aware of potential bias in the application of Prevent policies, and exploring what education settings can learn from global strategies to combat child criminal exploitation.
Explore our second series of workshops which delve into innovative safeguarding practices led by experienced trust leaders and sector experts. Topics include strengthening safeguarding through the power of multi-disciplinary teams, addressing emotionally based school avoidance to foster belonging, and building robust safeguarding capacity in small trusts.
In part two of this interactive exercise, delegates will work together to consider new developments.
Partner and Safeguarding Expert, Browne Jacobson
CST's Samira Sadeghi will introduce a project to develop practical new support for trust-led safeguarding audits in partnership with our Safeguarding professional community. She'll set out the vision for a framework and principles that can be used in trusts of all sizes to underpin developmental and supportive audits, and how community members can share ideas and experience to help shape them.
Director of Trust Governance, CST
National Director of Safeguarding and Well-being, Oasis Community Learning
Helen will talk through some of the implemented changes to inspection following the Big Listen consultation. She will also outline the emerging thinking around inspecting safeguarding post September 2025.
Deputy Director, Inspection Improvement, Education Directorate, Ofsted
National Director of Safeguarding and Well-being, Oasis Community Learning
Safeguarding can be a hugely rewarding area of practice. Protecting children and young people in risky and complex situations can also be tough, especially when things go wrong. This workshop will explore the trust's duty of care to protect its safeguarding workforce physically, emotionally, mentally and professionally. Raminder and Becci will share her extensive experience of creating protective structures for the safeguarding professionals in their trusts, and strategies to identify and respond to staff in crisis.
Director of Safeguarding, White Rose Trust
Assistant National Mental Health Lead, Oasis Community Learning
Last summer's civil unrest and its impact on children and families highlights the importance of addressing extremist ideology and online disinformation in education. This interactive workshop session aims to foster an open dialogue about personal values and attitudes towards extremism and consider ways in which trust safeguarding leaders can improve the applications of safeguarding policies, including Prevent, without potential bias. Kevin will explore case studies, invite delegates to share experiences of addressing false narratives and disinformation in their safeguarding practice, and discuss examples of how to recognise and address biases in policy application.
Senior Education Consultant, NSPCC
Children and young people vulnerable to Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) rarely identify themselves as at risk. In fact, they often feel that their exploitative relationships are normal and keeping them safe. This practical and empowering workshop will explore how trust safeguarding leaders can help colleagues to cut through the misinformation about CCE and trafficking to recognise how these global issues show up in schools and communities, and how to mobilise young people to tell their stories and take protective action. Participants will be invited to share their experiences and consider how they can equip young people to answer three simple questions: What is trafficking? How does it affect me? What can I do about it?
Strategic Safeguarding Improvement Officer, Chiltern Learning Trust
President and Founder, STOP THE TRAFFIK
Safeguarding in education has traditionally been undertaken by teachers specialising in child protection. As trusts grow, and safeguarding practice becomes more complex, trust safeguarding leaders have been thinking differently about the skills and background that a safeguarding team needs to enable it to do more and be more effective. In this workshop, Louis will share his team-building strategy at Creative Education Trust, taking us through the thinking and practice of building a multidisciplinary team from pastoral, clinical and other services and the impact this has had on safeguarding capacity and outcomes in the trust.
Executive Director of Safeguarding and Personal Development, Creative Education Trust
Too many children and young people are not accessing the education they deserve, or the experience of belonging to a community, because of emotional barriers to school. There is no simple answer to this complex challenge, but trusts like The Howard Partnership Trust, are developing new strategies to address this over time through their culture and systems. In this workshop, Jonathan and Viv will draw upon their deep experience of working with children who avoid school for emotional reasons. They will consider how organisations can communicate that the adults are 'bothered', and how they can support children's ability to connect and feel a sense of belonging. They will also invite participants to share their experiences and insights into what's happening in this arena in their own trusts.
Director of Standards and Safeguarding, The Howard Partnership Trust
Head of Product and Innovation, Thrive Approach
This discussion-led workshop explores the importance of building of strong relationships within schools, with governors and trustees, and wider networks to develop safeguarding capacity in small trusts. Our panellists will consider the challenges and opportunities of leading safeguarding in their growing trusts of six schools, including how to work smarter not harder to reduce risk and create a single shared safeguarding culture that holds space for the things that matter most.
Director of Safeguarding and SEND, Three Spires Trust
Trust Executive Leader for Safeguarding, SEND, and Alternative Provision, Alpha Academies Trust
Safeguarding and Central Education Lead, Vanguard Learning Trust