
Learn more about our speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners in education, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from across the sector. We will be adding more speakers as we approach the conference in May, so keep checking back for more details.

Keynote speakers

Dr Julian Grenier CBE

Senior content and engagement manager for Early Years, Education Endowment Foundation

Edward Melhuish

Professor of Human Development, University of Oxford and Birkbeck, University of London

Lee Owston

National Director, Education, Ofsted

Conference speakers

Amy Fidler

Director of School Improvement - Primary, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Andrew Truby

CEO, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Gill Jones MBE

Chair of the Early years professional community and Group Chief Quality Officer and Safeguarding Lead, Busy Bees Nurseries

Leora Cruddas CBE

Chief Executive, CST

Rachel Vlachonikolis

Headteacher, New Marston Primary School, River Learning Trust


Learn more about our speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners in education, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from across the sector. We will be adding more speakers as we approach the event, so keep checking back for more details.

Keynote speakers

Professor Becky Francis CBE

Chair of the Curriculum and Assessment Review, Department for Education

Steve Rollett

Deputy Chief Executive, CST

Sufian Sadiq

Director of Teaching School, Chiltern Learning Trust

Conference speakers

Dominic Davis

Professional Development Lead, The Black Pear Trust

Emma Pritchard

CEO, The Black Pear Trust

Jo Facer

Head of the NPQ Faculty, National Institute of Teaching

Lauren Meadows

Curriculum Lead, Unity Schools Partnership

Nicole McCartney

CEO Designate, Creative Education Trust

Nimish Lad

Head of Curriculum Development, Creative Education Trust

Professor Stuart Kime

Director of Education, Evidence Based Education

Rowena Hackwood

CEO, Astrea Academy Trust

Tom Campbell


COMMUNITY SUPPORTERS in association with


Learn more about our speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from across the sector. We will be adding more speakers as we approach the event, so keep checking back for more details.

Highlighted speakers

Andrew Riches

Advisor and MAT CEO, Engaging Education

Dr Tim Coulson

Chief Executive, Unity Schools Partnership

Iona Jackson

Head of Insights, Edurio

James Goffin

Head of Communications and Chair of the Communications Professional Community, CST

Jenny Childs

Group Manager, Public Affairs Sectors, Information Commissioner's Office

Joe Nicell

Head of Marketing, Lift Schools

Lauren Wilson

Head of Brand Strategy and Partnerships, Thinking Schools Academy Trust

Nico Rehman

Digital Marketing Manager, REAch2 Academy Trust

Ross Bennett

Commercial Director, Engaging Education

Sam Duran

Head of Internal Communications, Lift Schools

Tiffany Beck OBE

Head of Education, PLMR


Learn more about our speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners in education, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from across the sector. We will be adding more speakers as we approach the event, so keep checking back for more details.

Keynote speakers

Joanne Dawson

Chief Operating Officer / CFO, Ormiston Academies Trust

Luke Sibieta

Research Fellow, The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

Sam Freedman

Senior Fellow, Institute for Government

Conference speakers

Amanda Bailey

School and College Trust Leader, Dixons Academies Trust

Andrew Robinson

Finance Director, Ebor Academy Trust

Ben March

Chief Finance and Operations Officer, STEP Academy Trust

Benedicte Yue

Chief Financial Officer, River Learning Trust

Catherine Hughes

Director of Finance/CFO, Creative Education Trust

Chris Hallmark

Managing Director, Elson Grange Ltd

Chris Kirk

Director, CJK Associates

David Bond

Chief Financial and Operations Officer, Lion Academy Trust

David Shields

CEO, Value Match

Donna Bedford

Headteacher, Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy

Dr Martina Lecky

CEO, Vanguard Learning Trust

Emma Hughes

Partner & Head of HR Services, Browne Jacobson LLP

Ian Buss

Director, Education Banking Consultancy

Iona Jackson

Head of Insights, Edurio

Jeremy Pilgrim

Managing Director, School Property Matters Limited

Jo Marchant MBE

Estates Professional, The Boxing Academy

Joe Parfitt

Education Consultancy Director, Litmus Partnership

John Brennan

Chief Commercial Officer, ISBL

Jonathan Coyles

Partner, Barker

Kelly Crawford

Finance Service Lead, School Business Services

Leora Cruddas CBE

Chief Executive, CST

Mike Neales

Senior Consultant, Litmus Partnership

Natalie Ruane

Director of Employer Policy, CST

Orrin Campbell

Head of Service Delivery, Dixons Academy Trust

Paul Edmond

Chief Finance and Sustainability Officer, Heart Academies Trust

Paul Stewart

Trust Estates and Facilities Manager, Plymouth CAST

Samira Sadeghi

Director of Trust Governance, CST

Sarah Lovell

Chief Operating Officer, Cabot Learning Federation

Stephen Morales


Tom Rennie

School and College Trust Leader, Dixons Academies Trust

Will Jordan

Co-founder, IMP Software

COMMUNITY SUPPORTERS in association with


Our conference speakers Explore our keynote and workshop speakers

Browse our main hall and workshop speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners in education, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from around the world.

We will be adding more speakers as we approach this year's conference in November, so keep checking back for more details.

Adrian Ball

CEO, Diocese of Ely MAT

Alex Bedford

Curriculum Development Director, Unity Schools Partnership

Alex Green

Head, Let's Go Zero for Ashden

Alex Hire

Associate Director, RSM

Alison Eynon

Head of Leadership Development, Academies Enterprise Trust

Alison Fletcher

Director, Cabot Learning Federation

Alison Oliver MBE

CEO, Youth Sport Trust

Andrew Hill

Head of Partnerships, FFT

Andy Wolfe

Executive Director of Education, The Church of England Education Office

Antonia Spinks

CEO, Pioneer Educational Trust

Ash Cartwright

Head of Procurement, YPO

Cat Scutt MBE

Deputy CEO, Chartered College of Teaching

Catherine Taylor

Trust Improvement Partner, Advance Learning Partnership

Cathie Paine

CEO, REAch2 Academy Trust

Chris Armstrong-Stacey

Deputy Director, Developing Teachers and Leaders, Department for Education

Chris Felgate

Director, Ginger Energy

Chris Kirk

Director, CJK Associates

Chris Moon MBE

Former army officer and charity fundraiser

Chris Tomlinson

CEO, The Co-operative Academies Trust

Chris Wiseman


Christian Turton

Educational Technology Lead, Chiltern Learning Trust

Claire Heald

CEO, The CAM Academy Trust

Dame Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE

Scientist and broadcaster

Dame Rachel de Souza

Children’s Commissioner for England

Dawn Carman-Jones

Director and Consultant, Dawn CJ

Dawn Haywood

CEO, Windsor Academy Trust

Denise Inwood

CEO and Founder, BlueSky Education

Dr Calum Davey

Executive Director of Research, National Institute of Teaching

Dr Liyuan Liu

Senior Assessment Researcher, Pearson

Dr Lizzie Oliver

Director of Policy and Programmes, Trust Governance Professionals

Dr Ourania Ventista

Research Statistician, Evidence Based Education

Dr Sam Parrett CBE

Group Principal and CEO, London and South East Education Group

Dr Vanessa Ogden CBE

CEO, Mulberry Schools Trust

Ed Vainker OBE

CEO, Reach Foundation

Edward Vitalis

CEO, Invictus Education

Ellie Gadsby

Trustee, Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust

Emily Patrick

Education Advisor, Renaissance

Emma Hughes

Partner & Head of HR Services, Browne Jacobson LLP

Ernest Jenavs

Founder and CEO, Edurio

Evelyn Forde MBE

Leadership Consultant / Author

Geoff Barton

Chair of the Independent Commission on Oracy in Education

Hilary Spencer

CEO, Ambition Institute

Ian Parry

Director of Education, Southport Learning Trust

Iona Jackson

Head of Insights, Edurio

Jack Worth

Lead Economist, National Foundation for Educational Research

James Lauder

Trust Assistant Principal, Dixons Academies Trust

James Miller

National Director of Estates & Technology, Ormiston Academies Trust

Jason Gould

Managing Director, The Education Company

Jennese Alozie

CEO, University of Chichester (Multi) Academy Trust

Jenny Thompson

Trust Leader, Dixons Academies Trust

John Murphy

Education Leadership Mentor and Advisor, and Former CEO, Oasis Community Learning

Jonathan Mountstevens

Deputy Headteacher, Beaumont School

Judith Kidd

Director, Dixons Centre for Growth, Dixons Academies Trust

Julian Appleyard OBE

CEO, Pontefract Academies Trust

Kamal Bodhanker

Head of System Leadership Faculty, National Institute of Teaching

Karen Bramwell OBE

CEO, Forward As One Church of England MAT

Katherine Walsh

Director of Inclusion, River Learning Trust

Katy Patten

Director of Learning Design, Ambition Institute

Lauren Thorpe

Chief Transformation Officer, United Learning Trust

Leora Cruddas CBE

Chief Executive, CST

Les Hopper

Product Director, Pearson

Loic Menzies

Chief Research Officer, Centre for Education Systems

Lord Adebowale CBE

Leadership consultant and Chair, NHS Confederation

Louise Wolsey

Group Chief Strategy Officer and Deputy CEO LASER, London and South East Education Group

Lucy Heller

CEO, Ark

Luke Sparkes

School Trust Leader, Dixons Academies Trust

Mandy Coalter

Founder, Talent Architects

Marie Hamer MBE

Executive Director, Strategy and Impact, Ambition Institute

Mark Emmerson

CEO, City of London Academies Trust

Mark Rogers

Apple Vice President Europe and WW Enterprise

Martin Higgs

Digital Transformation Lead, Truro and Penwith Academy Trust

Matt Isherwood

Associates Partner, Barker Associates

Matthew Douglas

Director of Finance, Prince Albert Community Trust

Matthew Humphrey

Risk and Governance Consulting Partner, RSM

Matthew Taylor CBE

Chief executive, NHS Confederation

Melanie Parker

Education Technologist, RM PLC

Melanie Renowden

CEO, National Institute of Teaching

Michael Oakes

Managed Services Lead, RM PLC

Moira Marder

CEO, The Ted Wragg MAT

Naomi Bell

Director of Mathematics and Professional Development Lead, Advantage Schools

Natalie Perera

CEO, Education Policy Institute

Nav Sanghara

Trust Leader (CEO), Woodland Academy Trust

Nimish Lad

Head of Curriculum Development, Creative Education Trust

Paul Barber

Director, Catholic Education Service (England and Wales)

Paul Charman

Managing Director, FFT Education

Penny Swain

Director, Supporting Education Group

Peter Davies

Director of Trust Performance, E-ACT

Phil Beecher

Chief Finance Officer, The Active Learning Trust

Phil Herriott

Director of Education, Lloyds Bank PLC

Phillippa De’Ath

Chief Revenue Officer, Arbor

Polly O’Malley

Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP

Professor Alex Hill

Director, The Centre for High Performance

Professor Becky Francis CBE

Chair of the Curriculum and Assessment Review, Department for Education

Professor Rob Coe

Director of Research and Development, Evidence Based Education

Professor Sin-Wang Chong

Head of Evidence Synthesis, National Institute of Teaching

Rama Venchard MBE

Chair of Trustees, London South East Academies Trust

Richard Anderton

Digital Transformation Lead, Arthur Terry Learning Partnership

Richard Bright

Executive Advisor for Technology, New Bridge Multi Academy Trust

Richard Freeth

Partner, Stone King LLP

Richard Lewis

Partner, RSM

Robert Gould

Partner, Barker Associates

Robyn Ellis

School Trust Leader, Dixons Academies Trust

Roger Inman

Partner, Stone King LLP

Rowena Hackwood

CEO, Astrea Academy Trust

Russell Dalton

Consultant, CSMB

Sally Apps

Interim Deputy CEO, Cabot Learning Federation

Sam Freedman

Senior Fellow, Institute for Government

Samira Sadeghi

Director of Trust Governance, CST

Serdar Ferit

CEO, Lyfta

Shaun Dillon

Director of Data, National Institute of Teaching

Simon Freeman

Managing Director, IRIS Education

Simon Hill

Managing Director, YPO

Simon Knight

Joint Headteacher, Frank Wise School

Sir Dan Moynihan

CEO, Harris Federation

Sir David Carter

Former National Schools Commissioner

Sir Hamid Patel CBE

Chief Executive, Star Academies

Sir Ian Bauckham CBE

Chief Regulator, Ofqual

Sir Jon Coles

Chief Executive, United Learning

Sir Kevan Collins

Non-Executive Board Member, Department for Education

Sir Martyn Oliver

HM Chief Inspector, Ofsted

Sir Mo Farah CBE

Athlete and campaigner

Stephen Barrett-Kinsley

COO, Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

Stephen Morales


Steve Farndon

Associate Director, Ambition Institute

Steve Rollett

Deputy Chief Executive, CST

Susan Douglas CBE

CEO, The Eden Academy

Susan Fielden

Trust finance specialist and consultant, CST

Tamsin Frances

Executive Director, Operations & Innovations, Ted Wragg Trust

The Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP

Secretary of State for Education

Tiffany Beck OBE

Head of Education, PLMR

Tom Campbell


Tom Rees

CEO, Ormiston Academies Trust

Will Jordan

Co-founder, IMP Software

Yalinie Vigneswaran

Executive Director, Ambition Institute

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