Iona Jackson
1 CST Communications Summit
What parents want: How and what 50,000 parents want to hear from you
Over the last year, more than 50,000 parents at schools across England have completed Edurio's parent feedback survey. In this session, we'll explore what their responses tell us about how we can improve communication with parents, and examples of the most highly-rated practice from trusts across the country.
1 Workshop series two
One team, one mission: Aligning operations and education for trust-wide impact
<span data-contrast="none">This session will explore how trusts can align operations and education to create a unified, mission-driven team. The next step for trust operational maturity goes beyond generating efficiencies and releasing time for educators, to contributing to school improvement; professionalising operational careers; and aligning all teams around the shared goal of improving outcomes for children. Join us to discover how fostering a cohesive "one team, one mission" culture can transform your trust, with real-life success stories from trust leaders.</span>