
Chris Kirk

Director, CJK Associates

Chris Kirk has enjoyed 25 years in leadership, management and strategy in the education sector, with senior roles in the UK civil service, a Partnership within one of the largest Accounting and Consulting companies, and an international CEO role for a large school group. 6 years ago, Chris founded www.cjkassociates.co. CJK works extensively with the education supplier and investor market, and frequently carries out market studies to compare the services, quality and price of education service providers (School Improvement, Finance, HR, IT support) and software (MIS, Assessment, Curriculum). Corporate clients have included The Key for School Leaders, Arbor, Scholarpack, Juniper Education, Herts for Learning, BBC, TES, ESS SIMS and Supporting Education Group. Investors include Horizon Capital and Montague Private Equity. CJK Associates works with Multi-Academy Trusts and other school groups to develop strategies and implement better operating models and has provided the material hosted by The Key which guides Trust leaders about strategy, operations, collaboration and accountability. Chris teaches the National Professional Qualification for Executive Leaders for Teach First and previously for Ambition. Chris is a Trustee of Weydon Multi Academy Trust, an adviser to OPERA (a charity supporting unemployed youth into work) and to The Education Partnership, Nigeria (a pro-poor education charity). He has previously held roles as Adviser to OFSTED’s Strategy Group, The Careers and Enterprise Company, Getting Ahead London, World Economic Forum and Business in the Community. Chris’s post-graduate education includes PwC London Business School Director& Partner development programme, PwC Consulting Skills Programme, Cranfield Institute of Management DPP, Civil Service Fast Stream, and the Financial Practitioners Certificate.