Dr Jon Needham PhD
1 CST Safeguarding Conference
Welcome remarks
1 CST Safeguarding Conference
Keynote: Do managed moves really work?
In this session, we will hear a (former) pupil perspective, as Elliot McKenzie shares his experience of a managed move in conversation with Jon Needham.
1 CST Safeguarding Conference
Principles of an effective safeguarding audit: A trust-led approach
CST's Samira Sadeghi will introduce a project to develop practical new support for trust-led safeguarding audits in partnership with our Safeguarding professional community. She'll set out the vision for a framework and principles that can be used in trusts of all sizes to underpin developmental and supportive audits, and how community members can share ideas and experience to help shape them.
1 CST Safeguarding Conference
Final reflections and close