GO 4 Schools can support your school, staff, and parents to make better decisions with data that is accurate, up to date, complete at the right level of detail. Collecting and sharing attendance, behaviour, and assessment data in real-time is far more powerful than occasionally collecting summative data, unlocking huge benefits for schools and Multi-academy Trusts. Boosting engagement with students and parents; GO 4 Schools is a one- stop cloud-based system that impacts on staff workload and offers smarter working with a 360 degree perspective of your students ensures that brings time and money savings alongside your MIS.
Tel: 01223 967 556 E-mail: enquiries@go4schools.com
Address: GO 4 Schools, 7 Quy Court, Colliers Lane, Stow-cum-Quy, Cambridge, CB25 9AU
Twitter: @GO4SchoolsHSL
Find out more: go4schools.com