Learn more about our speakers below. Our speakers include leading practitioners in education, expert policy thinkers, and inspirational voices from across the sector. We will be adding more speakers as we approach the conference in May, so keep checking back for more details.
Senior content and engagement manager for Early Years, Education Endowment Foundation
Senior content and engagement manager for Early Years, Education Endowment Foundation
Professor of Human Development, University of Oxford and Birkbeck, University of London
Professor of Human Development, University of Oxford and Birkbeck, University of London
National Director, Education, Ofsted
National Director, Education, Ofsted
Director of School Improvement - Primary, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust
Director of School Improvement - Primary, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust
CEO, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust
CEO, St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust
Chair of the Early years professional community and Group Chief Quality Officer and Safeguarding Lead, Busy Bees Nurseries
Chair of the Early years professional community and Group Chief Quality Officer and Safeguarding Lead, Busy Bees Nurseries
Chief Executive, CST
Chief Executive, CST
Headteacher, New Marston Primary School, River Learning Trust
Headteacher, New Marston Primary School, River Learning Trust